Case Closed

In Acts 25:13-27, Paul’s civil trials conclude with a final hearing before King Agrippa. Luke highlights the resurrection of Jesus, which left an impression on Festus and is central to the message. The resurrection validates Jesus as God's Son, removes the fear of death, and fulfills Old Testament prophecies, providing hope. 
Proclaiming the risen Christ may provoke opposition, as the gospel is seen as a stumbling block. However, the resurrection captures attention, even if the world struggles to accept it. The contrast between worldly displays of power and Paul's humility reveals the folly of the world. Festus acknowledges that there is "nothing worthy of death" in Paul’s situation, confirming the empty nature of worldly claims. Ultimately, believers are called to boldly proclaim the truth of Jesus’ resurrection, which stands as the foundation of faith and a source of genuine hope.