Change Of Venue

The sermon discusses the concept of government as a tool for God's purposes, focusing on the role of government in the gospel and human society. It highlights the quick changes in government, such as Paul's submission to civil authorities and Lysias' rescue and protection. The sermon also emphasizes that government serves God's purpose, as it is God's instrument. It emphasizes that Christians should submit to human governments as directed by Scripture, and that they should be good citizens within their lands. The sermon also discusses the fallibility of governments and the role of believers in addressing their consciences. It emphasizes that governments are subject to human fallenness and frailty, and that believers should not bind the consciences of their fellow believers. The sermon concludes by stating that even fallen things can exhibit virtue, and that pagans can do good, but they are borrowing God's stuff to do it. The sermon concludes by stating that total depravity is not a condition for salvation, but rather a result of human goodness